A couple nights leading up to the wedding stands out as one of the most special ones in my little memory box. The time capsule that he and I had made years before and vowed to only unbury if we were destined to be together and married, was finally calling to be uncovered. I could not WAIT to see what he had written. We scouted out the spot where we laid the capsule and began digging. My heart was racing when we finally hit the box. We hurridly opened it up and then slowly browsed through the pictures and memorabilia that represented “us” at that point in our lives.
As we sat amongst the dirt in the crisp evening air, we read each other’s letters. It was such a special moment and we both discovered that we had told one another “I love you” – and this was a year before we actually ever voiced it. Darin’s words were so sweet. So romantic, just like him. Tears slid down my cheeks as I read the words he had written years before and I leaned over to give him a kiss. I could not wait to make this man my husband.